Let us pray for one another.

Prayer is more than just words spoken. We believe it’s our communication with God, our Father. He loves and cares about each of our needs. Share your prayer request and let others know you’re praying for them.

Join us each weekday on-air prayer times at 6:25 am, 11:25 am, 2:25 pm, 5:55 pm, and 9:55 pm.

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When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.
Request TitleSubmitted By# PrayersDate
Pain and needjohn reuel 301-31-2025
Please pray God help Derek with his chronic pain today. He's out of pain relief and his brace is broken. Please pray God gives Derek income for the first time in a long time. Pray he finds work with Health Insurance, and is called for an odd job in the drawing today.
Jon's salvationAnonymous701-29-2025
Please pray for my brother Jonathan's salvation. He's baptized but he walked away years ago. Mom & dad raised us in church & taught us about Jesus. The Lord promises in Proverbs "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will return to it." I pray that he loses the favor he has with wicked influences & that the Lord will give him favor with people who love God's laws & will keep Jonathan close to the Holy Spirit.
MEDICAL ISSUES Anonymous1001-28-2025
My 18 year old just hot devastating news about her health. ? pray for answers and healing.
Prodigal DaughterAnonymous401-28-2025
34 year old daughter living on the streets addicted to drugs and lost her way.
urgent prayer request - immediate financial windfallAnonymous401-27-2025
Please pray that Abba father immediately collects the money owed by Julianna from Jojo and Jojo receives the money in time to pay for pressing / mounting debts & utility bills, and that Jojo will have a job asap - all these we claim in Jesus name.
Pray for Co-WorkerAnonymous501-27-2025
Pray for a retired co-worker, already dealing with serious health issues, now dealing w/ Mother in Law recovering from multiple mini-strokes. Pray for whole family! including the main care-giver.
A miracle Anonymous001-27-2025
I pray for God to deliver me and my family during this storm we are going through!
Pray for a sister... Anonymous401-27-2025
Pray for sister (late60s) with some health issues; waiting for accurate diagnosis.
Gods Will/healing/restorationMary Martinez501-26-2025
Please post and pray that my son Alex has a successful interview this week and God's heals his overall health. Pray restoration for M.M.& J.K.that God teach how to respect support and love one another the way God wants them in relationship.
Please pray for Kila anxiety and panic attacks
Intervention Anonymous701-24-2025
Please pray for a good friend of mine’s son. He’s in a crisis and won’t accept help.. he stopped taking his meds and is suicidal. Please pray someone can intervene that he will listen to and lead him to Jesus
Praying for my teeth and gums Jeremy King 101-24-2025
Father, God in the mighty name of Jesus I ask you to fix my teeth and heal my gums
Deliverance Davi Neto101-24-2025
Please pray for my mother's protection. I appreciate your prayer.
CourtNicholas Williams 501-22-2025
I need prayer for dismissed my court case
bruised reedd Johnson 601-21-2025
Have been trying to find work for 2 years that I can do with my disability. Was evicted. So weary and stressed that I feel it in every nerve. Shaking. Pray God deliver me.
Please pray Alexa Jeremy King 301-20-2025
MY friends I am asking you to please pray for alexa that the Lord Jesus Christ removes negative out of her life that she can focus on the Lord Jesus Christ she is a very awesome person
Deliverance Davi Goulart 301-20-2025
I'm taking a long time to fall asleep and having a lot of difficulty and fatigue getting up in the morning. Please pray that I sleep well at night and wake up and get up early. I appreciate you prayer.
Prayer for healingDeidra Dunn501-20-2025
Please continue to pray for my nephew, Quinn, diagnosed with a rare retinal dystrophy causing vision loss over time. We pray for complete healing and restoration of eyesight. God is still performing miracles today and we pray that Quinn's miracle will be used so that others may come to know Christ.
Prayer for familyAngela H301-19-2025
Please pray for my son Russell that he would be delivered and healed mind body soul and spirit. Pray that he would receive the anointing of the holy spirit with wisdom, knowledge and discernment to make good Godly decisions. Pray that he give his life to the Lord and repent of his sins and be the man and father that the Lord created him to be. In Jesus Name Amen
Praying for somebodyJeremy King 101-19-2025
I'm asking you all to please pray for somebody that hurt me. Someone that I knew for a very long time. Please pray for her. Thank you