$30/month or a single-gift of $360

is equal to a dollar-a-day.

$55/month or a single-gift of $660 with a choice of a date and personalized message that plays every hour.

Provide another amount

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Appreciation Posts


I wanted to reach out and tell you that I listen to CFR all the time.  I am learning about Jesus and my pastor said that I might should change my radio from country to Christian.  I guess I liked country because it sang about things I get, getting your heart hurt and just saying, "who cares now?"  And last night a lady from my church, talked to me about how my heart is changing. She is helping me learn about Jesus.  My parents left me when I was about 10.  They still came home sometimes but they weren’t really there. The lady at church also told me that you had lost a baby and that Derek battles depression and anxiety. I guess everybody has something.  I am learning to talk about my hurts.  But I felt like you needed to know that I am lonely and CFR is where I feel like I can listen and not feel so upset inside.


You help hurt people experience peace and imagine a hopeful future because they hear Christ in the music and messages on CFR.


I started listening to CFR, oh gosh, 2 or 3 years ago. The 30-day challenge did it for me. And then, every time I'm in my  truck, we're listening to CFR. And this morning, my daughter wanted to change vehicles with me this morning. So, I get in and I turn the car on and what comes up on the radio but CFR! On my 18-year old daughter's car. I'm blessed she's listening to CFR. It may not be anything to anybody else, but it's huge for me. It works. Thank you CFR.

You help parents give their kids a musical legacy to lean on. 

Appreciation Posts (1)
Dante Paul

Donte Paul

Donte is a tri-vocational pastor with 3 sons--one is a newborn. He has a lot of responsibilities serving at Kentucky Christian Recovery, pastoring a church, and working in finance. Many people think that pastors don't have their own struggles or their own stories. But, there's been many days that going up and down the road to either go visit members or to go minister to people, that I found myself depleted of dealing with life on life's terms and just the right song comes in from CFR and continues to pour into me and give me strength in areas--even though meanwhile I've been able to pour into other people.
You help those in ministry to fill their cup. 

Watch What God Can Do by Patrick Mayberry

Our Spring Pledge Drive theme song is "Watch What God Can Do" by Patrick Mayberry

Take a listen below.


Are you waiting for a miracle?Are you thirsty for something more?Are you desperate for some good news?Just watch what God can do