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You connect listeners to a source of hope. The music lifts spirits, offering an emotional relief when they need it most. It serves as a reminder that no matter how heavy things feel, God is still with them, and hope is always within reach.
You help parents give their kids a musical legacy to lean on.
Donte Paul
Watch What God Can Do by Patrick Mayberry
Our Spring Pledge Drive theme song is "Watch What God Can Do" by Patrick Mayberry
"All throughout the Bible we see countless stories of God using the smallest most insignificant things and doing the unthinkable. Taking ordinary people and doing miracle after miracle. This song is the faith building anthem that reminds you that all it takes is the tiniest bit of faith, or just the smallest step, and you can sit back WATCH WHAT GOD CAN DO!"
-Patrick Mayberry
Are you waiting for a miracle?
Are you thirsty for something more? Are you desperate for some good news? Just watch what God can do