Scott Jackson

As a young child I had a tiny reel to reel tape recorder that I was fascinated with, I used to go to the mirror and pick up a hair-brush and record a commercial.  I knew at an early age I truly had a passion for radio.
After high school and onto college I thought I wanted to be a CPA.  After one semester of accounting I decided I didn’t want to do this as my life’s vocation.
I saw a commercial on TV about a broadcasting school, that immediately grabbed my attention.  I enrolled and graduated from Columbia School of Broadcasting in the Cincinnati, Ohio area.
I then started sending out air checks looking for that first job. I was extremely blessed to land my first job at WOVO-FM in Glasgow, Ky doing the morning show.  I was extremely GREEN, it took several months before I felt comfortable behind the mic.
I moved around to several locations and different radio stations, I worked for a period of time in the 70’s at WOMI-AM in Owensboro, Ky.  I also worked at a station in Ft. Walton Beech, Florida that had a dune buggy as the station vehicle.
After feeling uncomfortable with some formats that offered live call in shows that were syndicated, they got off color pretty quickly.  I turned in my 2 week notice and so thankful that I received an email from Suz from the morning cruz asking me if I’d like to be on staff at CFR.
I jumped at that opportunity and have been blessed for the last 10 years to be a member of the CFR family!
My wife Mary Jean and I have been happily married for 44 years, with 6 grandchildren.  All three sons have delivered grandchildren – we have 3 girls and 3 boys.
I’m very active at my home church as a Sunday school teacher and an elder.
I managed to retire after 36 years at RRDonnelleys in Glasgow – now know as LSC.  I have been a school bus driver for Barren County for the last 5 years, and I’m extremely blessed to have a specials needs route this year.  I’m amazed at the support these children receive from their families and the teaching staff.
From my early little reel to reel tape recorder to the digital age we’re in now radio has been a huge part of my DNA.  I’m excited to see where the Lord leads me next!
Terry Caldwell

Scott Jackson

Host of “Evenings with Scott”