Meet the CFR Team

For more than 35 years, CFR has been on a mission to share all the stories of what God is doing in their community and how lives are being changed. Bridget says that “the mission is to showcase God’s glory through the story. We tell that story continually, keeping it current…it should be vital, vibrant, alive, and well-displayed.”


Bridget Kehrt-Groce

Executive Director & Co-Host of “Mornings with Derek & Bridget”

Derek Gregory

Program Director & Co-Host of “Mornings with Derek & Bridget”

Dale McCubbins

Production Manager & Host of “Weekends with Dale”

Larry Castro

Assistant Program Director & Host of "Afternoons with Larry"

Stephanie Matthews

Partnership Director

Miranda Power-Bishop

Communications Coordinator

Aimee Bracken

Office Manager

Ransom Bennett

Ministry Support

Brandi Lanai

Host of “Middays with Brandi”

Scott Jackson

Host of “Evenings with Scott”

Crystal Cummings

Graphic Designer