Set a Financial Goal for 2024
As you look back on your year and plan for 2024, spend some time reflecting on your finances. What went well? What didn’t go well? What caused you stress? What are you excited about? These questions can be helpful in framing up a financial goal for the year. When setting a goal, make sure to…
Review Your Savings Plan
Going into a new year, it’s important to review your savings rate to ensure that it will allow you to fund your short and long-term goals. As a general rule of thumb, 10-15% of your gross income should be directed towards long-term savings. While reviewing your savings rate, make sure to take a look to…
Review Your Investment Allocation
Throughout the year, markets move up and down. Some years, the swings can be drastic. It’s important to review your allocation to ensure that your risk level is still appropriate for your goals and time horizon. It’s typically a best practice to rebalance your portfolio at least annually. While it’s important to keep your allocation…
Update Your Spending Plan
There are ultimately four things that we can do with the money we’ve been given: Give, Live, Owe, Grow. We can give it away, use it to live on, owe debt or taxes, and grow (or save) it. In order to take steps forward financially, it’s important to first understand where your cash flow is…
Review Beneficiaries and Estate Planning Documents
The end of the year is a great time to review your beneficiaries and estate planning documents. It’s easy to forget about these designations throughout the year, especially when a major life event happens. Helping the next steward to be prepared is one of the most important financial gifts we can give. It’s important to…
Plan Your Charitable Contributions
The holiday season is a perfect opportunity to plan your and maximize your charitable contributions. Many organizations have a year-end campaign to raise funds, and it’s always meaningful to be generous around the holidays. Make sure to keep track of your contributions to help when it comes time to file your income tax return in…
Take Your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)
For any tax-deferred retirement account (such as a Traditional IRA, 401(k), or 403(b)), the IRS requires account holders to take an annual distribution once they reach age 73. The formula for determining the amount of the distribution is based on the account holder’s age and account balance at the end of the previous year. Since…
How to Utilize FSA/HSA Funds
Last month on Money Mindset, we discussed implementing an FSA or HSA plan if your insurance plan allows it. Just as a reminder, these accounts allow for tax-deductible contributions, and the funds can be taken out tax-free if they are used for qualified medical expenses. For an FSA (flexible spending account) funds are lost if…
How To Be A Smart Holiday Shopper.
One of the most important facets of managing year-end finances is to be a smart holiday shopper. First and foremost, make sure to set some parameters and operate from a spending plan. Make sure to track your purchases along the way so that you stay within the budget you set for your household. Finally, make…