In the next 25 years, Warren County is expected to grow by 90,000 people. The BG 2050 Project is a group of local volunteers and community leaders working to ensure that growth makes our community better, not just bigger. The BG Project is hopes to take this unique opportunity to imagine – and proactively plan for – the collective future.
In response to this opportunity, the Warren County government commissioned BG 2050. Started as a civic imagination initiative, BG 2050 is now a long-term strategic planning effort, run by more than 100 volunteers representing organizations ranging from municipal services to private businesses. Our volunteers are organized around eight community pillars:
- Storytelling
- Quality of Life
- Tourism
- Economic Development
- Talent Development
- Public Health
- Housing
- Infrastructure

BG 2050 will ultimately deliver a vision document that charts the course from here to 2050. Through What Could BG Be?, a month-long, online conversation hosted by BG 2050 to allow the people of Warren County to share their ideas and help shape the future of our community. As part of this project your participation is requested to share your hope for the future of the community and weigh in on your neighbors’ ideas.
Give your input at from now until March 17th, by sharing your own ideas and/or “voting” on others.
A report will be published on the findings in April.