Joining the CFR Morning show on Wednesday, Nov. 20th were 3 local ladies who are launching Warren County’s Lifewise Academy.
Pictured Left to Right:
Derek Gregory, Kathy Trulock, Rachel Moates, Anita Proffitt, and Bridget Kehrt-Groce.
“You may be new to this concept of teaching the Bible in our public schools, but it’s already going on in several other states and I’m excited about it being in our local school systems. One of the best ways you can partner is by committing to pray for the superintendent, school boards and decision makers to the vast benefits this offers.”
– Bridget Kehrt Groce, CFR Morning Show Co-Host & Executive Director
Every week tens of thousands of public school students legally attend LifeWise Bible classes during school hours, thanks to the ministry of Lifewise Academy. Protected by a Supreme Court ruling, LifeWise works with public schools to integrate a Bible class into their weekly class schedule.
LifeWise Academy comes alongside administrators and teachers as a supportive ally in their mission to serve students, schools and communities. Studies and surveys show that LifeWise programs improve student attendance and behavior, that educators agree LifeWise benefits their students and that parents overwhelmingly recommend LifeWise to other parents.
The programs focus on core themes of the Bible, what we refer to as the “main and plain things” of Scripture, and emphasize the gospel of Jesus Christ. These things are foundational to Christian belief and are widely agreed upon by the various denominations that support LifeWise Academy.
The LifeWise curriculum is designed to take students through the entire Bible over five years, with a 3 fold focus: Head, Heart, and Hands. Each lesson reviews a Bible passage as well as a “Living LifeWise” character trait, such as respect, love, or kindness.
Get Involved!
Believe it or not, you can provide a Bible education class for our public school students DURING SCHOOL HOURS! Please take a moment to sign our ‘Interest List’ saying, ‘Yes, I’d like to see a program started in my area!’ We need 50 signatures to get started! And every additional signature also helps SO much. Please share this post with friends and family who would love to bring a LifeWise program to our school district.